

Take the following ethics assessment:


After taking the assessment, provide a detailed explanation of what you learned about yourself (if anything) and your personal ethics.

The assessment was very revealing; personally it showed me where my ethical, professional and personal values lie. One of the statements that I found very interesting was as a parent will I lie about my address to get my child into a good neighborhood school? The answer is yes, before anyone start judging my ethical and moral beliefs let me explain, every parent wants the best for his child especially when it comes to education, we all know and have heard stories of the bad neighborhood schools where fights, guns and gang related incident is bound to happen  on a daily basis . No parent will like to have his kind’s arounds this kind of unsafe environment if this can be avoiding with a change of address my child will be in the school in the best neighborhood. 

Another assessment a question was do we use the internet for more than 15 mins for personal reasons during work time? I can shamefully say I do. I think most of the people on the military will attest to the fact that it’s easy to use the computer for school work , browsing on your down time , although your superiors will like you to work on military related stuff , it’s easy to do check Facebook, yahoo ,buzz feed and before you know its already 30 min.




Learning Activities #2

Walmart Dilema:


Read above article, and debate whether it is ethical to shop at Wal Mart


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