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IntelTutor is great! He asked a lot of questions to really understand the project. He’s a true professional. When I asked him for revisions/to take a little different approach he had no problem with my requests and pivoted. I also appreciated how he took the time to explain thoughts around my project. The work scored 98%.
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Have been using EduYoda for a year now and have placed more than 25 orders (questions). All solutions were plagiarism free. None of the orders were late. Different tutors have worked for me, but I liked ProfBen and IntelTutor most. They tend to discuss the project to entirely and clarify any confusion. I liked how seriously they take every project.
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Fabulous experience throughout the whole process. Tutor was attentive and have addressed every small requirement in my nursing assignment. Highly recommended service!
I have been using it for 3 years. Tutors are punctual and professional. They are affordable and cheaper than any other sites. Plus, they will give you 100% refund if you're facing any issues or you can negotiate with them. I also get discount as I am a regular user. They have solutions and tutors of other universities as well. I recommend it!
Just now I received my grades and you know, I’m amazed! 95 out of 100. I recommend them. These guys are the best assignment help service which just focuses on meeting the quality standard.