

A student who worked for Chipolata stated: “I love the Chipolata standard that what's best for the people (employees) is best for the company and vice versa, so I always strive to do my best.” It sounds simple, but in reality, that is a difficult culture to enact. Why do you suppose that it isn't common in most organizations? What is difficult about the implementation of such a policy? Does everyone have the same definition of "doing your best"? Will slackers perceive their best in a different light? Can you count on most managers to model the appropriate behavior? Who supervises the managers, and how are they held accountable, not only for product, but for cultural expectations?

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EYS***777 2019-09-18 07:04:50
Great material to help keep you going.

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Nice to begin this week thread. To start with this, I will say, every company is laid down with certain procedures, rules and regulations that governs it. Now, with that of the employees or workers, we go or come to work with our own perception or rules that suits or governs us. As soon as we step into our work place, we are or have to follow the policies or rules and 

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