

To kick off this discussion, remember what we were discussing this week about happy employees. Our lecture talked about making employees number one. How prevalent do you find this to be? Do you think it is common? Why or why not? Is it a lack of knowledge, ignorance, or arrogance? You would think that this concept was easy to understand. Do you think today's managers and leaders forgot to read the handbook on effective employee management?

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EYS***779 2019-09-18 07:09:14
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I do not think this kind of thinking is common in companies.  In my company, they have the attitude that if you don't like it, I have many people lined up looking for a job.  I can pay them less, and it will be a while before they become unhappy with their position.  Unfortunately, retail is a high turn over industry.  They pay little, and expect a lot.  It could be a combination of all 

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