

Chapter 11 Question 3  

In spite of the hardships, how did enslaved people find ways to survive and create community?

Chapter 11 Question 4

Why were slave insurrections so rare, and what were some of the consequences and outcomes of the Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner slave revolts?

Chapter 12 Question 2

How did the message of the Second Great Awakening democratize the gospel, and who found its message particularly appealing?

Chapter 12 Question 3

In what ways were frontier revivals important to people living on the frontier?


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EYS***746 2019-10-15 11:54:34
Saved me in the last second. Thanks.

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After the implementation of slave codes, the condition worsened and enslaved people came together to revolt. In the process, they survived by relying on their own community and developing their own culture. Practices such as singing spiritual songs helped them in expressing anger, and like thinking 

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