

Read Case Study 3.1

The Keflavik Paper Company is a case with a problem in determining a project management process for new product development.

Answer the following questions:

• What does this case demonstrate about the effect of poor project screening methods on a firm’s ability to manage projects effectively?

• How would project portfolio management help to improve the situation at Keflavik?

• If you think about it, all business problems are case studies. To effectively evaluate the situation, you must approach the problem in a methodological manner. A proven technique to do this is to do the following:  

1. list the facts;

2. identify the issues;

3. based on the facts of the case and your knowledge, analyze the issues of the case;

4. prepare recommended solutions and their possible outcomes;

5. implement the optimal solution (not always the one with the best outcome, because the cost or other things could be impractical); and

6. monitor the implementation and outcomes.


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EYS***779 2019-09-17 10:06:33
This has honestly helped me so much with the assignment.

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Keflavik Paper Company is having issues with project management process. Numerous commercial projects are coming in late and well over budget. Inconsistent product performance is also a big problem. No consistency no customers.

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