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LIT 326 Study Q’s Acts 2 & 3 OSLO

Act Two:

How does Holst’s involvement affect the peace process backchannel?

Why does Qurie insist upon Larsen’s involvement?

Characterize Larsen’s and Holst’s relationship?

Who leaks information about the backchannel? And what effect does it have?

Describe Uri Savir. (He arrives on p. 57) and find a quote to support your description.

What effect does Larsen’s joke have on the group?

Describe Mona and find a quote from Act Two to support your description.

What is Savir’s opinion of Aub Ala and his delegation? P. 63

Describe Savir and Larsen’s relationship.

After a 2nd leak how does Mona respond? P. 65

Describe the role of Toril and Finn.

In the next round of talks, what happens to Ron and Hirschfeld and what are their reactions? P. 67

What distinction does Savir make on p. 68.

What are some of the main issues still in need of negotiation? P. 69+

Comment on the use of timing in the 2nd Act? How does it build tension?

How do Larsen and Mona intervene when Qurie and Savir almost come to blows? P. 74

Act Three:

Describe Singer and find 2 quotes to support your description.

What effect does he have on the process? Pp. 84-85.

What interruption does Mona deal with on p. 92-93 and what does it illustrate?

What do Mona and Larsen do when there’s a chance the Israelis will pull out of the talks? P. 96

Comment on the ending of the play from p. 113 on. 


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