

Since the invention of the printing press in 1453 and the Protestant Reformation in 1517, literacy spread to the majority who could not read before, laying the groundwork for the advancement of communication techniques and technologies within Western culture. What prominent innovations can you share from the 1500s-up-to-now in the evolution of how we share information, exchange data, store records, and transmit wisdom? This timeline chart  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.is a great place to start. Give examples in your posts; be specific as to how/why. 

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I think I lived the cartoon in the original post the best. I've had many discussions with my friends and family that barring some very unforeseen circumstances, pretty much all of history is going to be documented from here on out, and Facebook is one of the tools we can thank. Thinking back 500 years ago, we do know a lot about 

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