

Lesson one under Modules begins: "The world has gone through many revolutions—political, economic, social, and cultural. But until now, there have been only two great technological revolutions that, in hindsight, were truly revolutionary: agricultural and industrial. Experts now talk of a third revolution in how we do things: the Knowledge Revolution (or Information Revolution). Only time will tell if this change truly is as revolutionary as the previous two. This course begins with a survey of these three technological revolutions." After studying the whole lesson, how do the three technological revolutions resonate for you? Let's apply this thesis to your family's experiences. What stage were your recent forebears at in the three revolutions? When did the shift from agriculture to crafts-commerce-trade happen? When did the shift from the two earlier phases to that of the Knowledge Revolution occur within your family's story-line?

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Looking back at the Agricultural revolution, there were immediate gains but that was not the end. As we progress and gain knowledge and experience we are still making discoveries and gains in agricultural areas, and we still have a long way to go before we can really say we have mastered it. Take a look at the problems we are having with insects 

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