

Killer Candy and  the Food and Drugs Act

Imported Asian  candies made from gelatin and fruit in the form of little cups that resemble  coffee creamer containers have been identified as a choking hazard for small  children and linked to dozens of choking deaths around the world.

The Canadian Food  Inspection Agency has recognized the choking hazard but has advised that the Food  and Drugs Act does not regulate the size or shape of food products. the  particular factors that make the candy so dangerous.


Some packages  contain a warning against giving the candy to children under three years of  age, and one brand contains the following grim yet cheery statement: "This  product is insured for $30 million liability. Please eating [sic) it without  worry."


If the product is  not regulated under the Food and Drugs Act, are the warnings sufficient? Is  this a matter that should be left to parental supervision?



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