

Take an abbreviated version of the Myers-Briggs Inventory and summarize your results in a Word document.  Note:  When you open the website to take the survey, you will be prompted to first enter a few informational items, and the next page will actually have the 40 assessment questions.  At the end of the survey, you will see several descriptions of your four letter personality type including favored and disfavored careers.  The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

In your write-up, summarize your results and answer the following questions.  Do you think the results reflect who you are?  Are they accurate?  If not, why not?  What are the implications for your career goals and leadership potential?  Make sure to include your four letter code in your write up.  You may also find the short discussion on p. 213 of the text helpful for this assignment.  

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