


AE2 Case Study Part 2

Critical discussion & reflection

Note: The knowledge and skills developed in Case Study Part 1 (AE1), and the feedback provided by tutors should be used to inform the writing of Case Study Part 2 (AE2).  



Case Study Part 2 (AE2) provides an opportunity to critically apply learning from Module 2 (Weeks 3-7, inclusive) to your assigned case study. It also provides an opportunity to further develop and apply the knowledge and skills gained in Module 1 (Weeks 1-2) and Case Study Part 1 (AE1).



Section 1 (approx. 1200-1500 words)

Provide a critical discussion of how the social determinants of Indigenous health (SDIH) either contribute to or impact on the person and their health condition in your assigned case study. Discussion should include (but is not limited to):

• How each of the SDIH have created the broader social and structural conditions that contribute to health inequity

• How each of the SDIH have specifically impacted on the person in your assigned case study, with consideration of how the SDIH contribute to or worsen the health condition

Critical discussion of the SDIH should be relevant to both the assigned case study and to your future professional practice, drawing on relevant literature and data sources. This is not an academic essay, and therefore does not require a formal Introduction and Conclusion, but should be structured logically and coherently. The discussion can be written using sub-headings or as one integrated discussion.

Section 2 (approx. 500-800 words)

Using the Initial assessment you provided in the Case Study Part 1 worksheet, and drawing on the reflexivity process outlined in the Wilson (2014) reading from week 1, provide a critical reflection on your responses. Consider and discuss:

• Reflect on your earlier understanding of the health issue and your role as a future health professional. Discuss any changes in your understanding, taking into account your learning in Module 2 (weeks 3-7).

• Are the additional questions you initially outlined adequate and appropriate? If not, why not, and what other questions might you ask?



HLTH2102 Case Study Part 2 Marking Guide_2019.pdf HLTH2102 Case Study Part 2 Template 2019_REVISED.docx
Top Reviews
EYS***764 2019-11-04 06:18:56
This has honestly helped me so much with the assignment.

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The Indigenous population before the invasion and settlement of Europeans had a non-sedentary lifestyle, preserving their land by maintaining and sustaining their regions through a health care system focused upon existence of a strong interaction and relationship with their community, land, and all the resources. Under this system, the individual health was measured 

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