

Welcome to chapter 5.  We will discuss Discrete Probabilities.  Please review the examples the textbook provides to help you understand the concepts in this chapter.


Due Friday:

Explain to your classmate's what expected value, variance, and standard deviation are.  Use your own words, and provide examples.


Due Sunday:

Respond to at least two to three of your classmates.  Did your classmate's posts help you understand these concepts?


Complete posts by each due date, original post by Monday and two to three responses by Wednesday. All required posts, one original and at least two responses are required to earn credit.

Minimum of 200 words for your Monday post and 100 words each for your Wednesday posts.

Points Grammar/spelling 2 points + Original post 5 points + topic covered in-depth with support when needed 3 points

All posts must be in your own words, no quotes or plagiarism accepted 

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EYS***765 2019-10-16 06:19:44
Really helpful.

Solution Preview

Expected value is a random variable that represents a large number, to each possible outcome in an experiment. If you had a coin and the flips were fair, so that every time that you flipped the coin it lands on heads one time and tales on the next flip then the expected value would be ½.

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